Hello Craze!
I just received a preliminary casting breakdown for a new Mormon Youth Message on bullying. Many of these roles require some great actors, so I’m coming to you first. All roles are paid, and all talent must be active LDS living a temple-worthy life. If you could please take a look at the breakdown and submit all candidates by Tuesday evening, I would greatly appreciate it! Actors with the right look will be invited to audition with the actual material. Thank you!


PAUL – Male to play 17 years old; Lead; Any Ethnicity; Begins the piece as a bully, but then shows a change of heart; Speaking Role

JESSICA – Female to play 12-13 years old; Lead; Paul’s Little Sister; Any Ethnicity; Introvert; Visibly shaken by bullying text and FB messages directed towards her; Must be able to cry on cue; Speaking Role

RACHEL – Female to play 17 years old; Overweight; Any Ethnicity; Remains emotionless through the piece until we see tears filling her eyes in response to an act of kindness; Non-Speaking Role

TREY – Male to play 17 years old; Paul’s Friend; Any Ethnicity; Bully; Speaking Role

JACKSON – Male to play 17 years old; Any Ethnicity; Bully; Speaking Role

ASHLEY – Female to play 17 years old; Any Ethnicity; Bully; Non-Speaking Role

KINSEY – Female to play 16 years old; Any Ethnicity; Bully; Non-Speaking Role

CHRISTINE – Female to play 15-16 years old; Any Ethnicity; Stands up for Rachel against bullying; Speaking Role

If you are interested, please email crazesubmissionsonly@gmail.com

1- Name
2- Age
3- Role (from above)
4- Attach your resume
5- Put LDS Youth in email header/subject box   

*If you do not include all of the requested info, your submission will be rejected*

We will submit you and let you know. 