My name is Daniel Muhlestein, I’m the owner of New Revolution Ventures. I have created a fashion clothing brand called: Evolved Karma. I am looking for models (male and female) to help create a 2 minute promotional video. Because this is all in the initial business growth stage, I am not able to pay either Craze Agency or the models. I will give credit to Craze Agency and to the individual models. The completed video will be used on our Youtube channel, press-releases, and business funding competitions.

I am attempting to use a local college that teaches video production to produce the video. I will also credit the production participants and institute in the video.

What is Evolved Karma?

The Evolved Karma brand began early 2011 and has spread through international markets through Ebay sales. Each item of clothing is hand-picked to be recycled. The Evolved Karma Lino Block was painstakingly hand carved with the design. The block is then rolled with oil-based paint and hand-pressed into the clothing. Each item of Evolved Karma clothing is truly an ORIGINAL. No print comes out the same. You are literally wearing a one-off piece of art converting the article of clothing into a high-fashion piece.

Evolved Karma:

Being socially responsible with recycled, re-purposed & revised clothing and accessories.

Any assistance either you or Craze Agency can provide will be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

If interested email to

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