We are holding auditions on Tuesday,
September 3rd 4:30-5
p.m. Our rate is $400 per person and we are shooting Saturday,
September 7th.
We are looking for a Mom, Dad and little girl. We would like the parents to
be (at least look) in their 30's and the little girl can be 4-7, but we would
like her to look about 5 years old. They do not have to be real families!
It is an ad for a little girl's clothing line that will only be used
online. The idea is that two parents are watching their daughter put on a
fashion show for them. All the characters will have lines, however, for the
audition we will either provide sides or we will have the audition without
If you are interested email us at crazesubmissionsonly@gmail.com
3-Put Clothing in email header
We will submit and let you know thanks!