PROPER MANORS, Season 1, Episode 4 – Mommie Dearest, Episode 5 - Under Pressure, Episode 6 – Model Citizens. (Additional Roles, Still Seeking)



SAG New Media Contract

Creators/Executive Producers: Pietro D'Alessio, Jef Phillips

Directors: Jaison H. Costley, Matt Johnson, Ryan McDonald

Writers: Jason White (Head Writer), Nancey Ahlstromer, Nick Burke, Emilyne Guglietti, Grant Morgan, Cassidy Ward, Henrik Patterson

Executive Producers: Marc Anthony, Theo Caesar, Jaison H. Costley, Mark Loren Fletcher, C. Jacob Deaton, Jennifer Groendal Ph.D, Ashley Eliza Parker, Benjamin Sant, Paul G. Smith, Tracy Townsend, Robin Westover

Producers: Jessica Diekmann, Teresa Gordon, Kimberly McDonald, Jef Phillips

Associate Producers: Orion Hansen, Mary Alice Nelson, Mande Opheikins

Casting Directors: Mary Alice Nelson, Danielle Schwager

Executive in Charge of Casting: Jessica Diekmann


Interview Dates: April 17, 2012

Callback Dates: April 18, 2012          

Shoot/Start Date: May

Pay Rate: 100/day deferred

Location: SLC/ Ogden, Utah area


The story centers on a group of teenagers and their families. Many supporting parts are still available as well as recurring roles.


Important Information:


“Proper Manors” is intended to be a 22-min. Weekly web soap opera.

Many of the lead characters will be “on contract” meaning that, if cast, we must know what is going on with you. The project (in essence a TV series for the web) will be shooting weekly – mostly on weekends but there may be exceptions.


Every character has been developed to be a part of the tapestry in the town of Proper, USA. Even the smallest roles can develop into front burner story lines and lead characters can be written out any time. The show is intended for a mature audience and would probably be categorized as TV-M (Mature Audiences).


There is NO nudity nor will we be using the F-bomb, however there will be other profanity occasionally and adult situations. The characters on the soap, much like the real world, are diverse – all ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations and political persuasions. We will not modify characters based on actor's moral or religious input as the characters themselves “live” in a different world and everything, loosely based on reality, is fictional. Of course, the characters will be evolving/developing and changing based on what they experience as a character living in Proper. Any familiarity of any person living or dead is purely coincidental.


To submit talent please send headshot/ resume as well as role interested in to Mary Alice at Please use PROPER MANORS CASTING - Role in Subject line. Thank you!


SEXY MAN FOR PHOTO SHOOT – Male, 21-35 super buff, hot, male model, appears in a photo as a hot super model clad in only his briefs or strategically placed cloth. Please send actual photos. Be prepared to remove shirt during casting call. Non-speaking Role, only used for photo... no acting ability necessary. 


SEBASTIAN STUART - Male, 16-18 - The all American surfer/skater that EVERYONE loves - doesn't have an enemy or a detractor. Gorgeous blonde flowing slightly curly hair and blue eyes. sometime stoner, always a lover, honest, loves and accepts everyone. Good looking, tan


BLAINE HOLLOWAY – 23, aspiring country music artist, genetically inclined to have substance abuse problems, many women seduce him against his better judgment.  Great at talking his way back into relationships after making mistakes, he is mother’s golden boy and does no wrong. 


GRANGE KNIGHTS - 40, Tall, Slender, Good ole boy, southern disposition, friendly, firm, like the ladies and loves his son. 


THORNE ROSE - late 50's, Caucasian, father to Trinity & Victoria Rose, married to Carolina Rose.  Hard working country boy & miner, loving father, loyal husband, doesn't trust the government, great with his hands when it comes to construction, gardening, or making anything more beautiful or practical.  Good looking with salt and pepper hair.  Imagine the Marlboro Man without the cigarette or cowboy hat. 


CYNTHIA BRIGHTMAN - 42, Caucasian, petite, stay at home wife to Matthew Brightman, mother to Samantha Brightman.  Spends all of her time involved in non-profit community organizations.  Baptist but sneaks a drink when no one is a around.  aware her husband is not as perfect as he seems, but plays the role of a loyal wife to maintain their position in the community.  Always polite, never one to create a stink, excellent mother.  Family has been in Proper for generations.  Well dressed, conservative hair, make-up and jewelry but it's clear that she has money. 


MATTHEW BRIGHTMAN- mid 40's, father to Samantha Brightman, Caucasian, married to Cynthia Brightman.  Politician in Proper and is part of the "good old boy" network.  He is given more leadership in the community than he should have based on his lack of worthiness.  He is easily influenced and is somewhat corrupt, based on his prior choices in his 20's, strives to create a perfect community and home yet battles his own demons that sabotage him when he tries to break free or think differently.  He is attractive, polite and a great spokesperson, but has become so mired down in his family name and what it means in the history of Proper that he's unable to embrace change out of fear that he will lose his role in the community.


APRIL BODELL - early 40's, Caucasian, somewhat matronly, conservatively dressed, graying hair, a bit of a busy body.  She is married to Rhett Bodell, mother to Erin & Amelia Bodell.  Overly involved in her children's scholastic endeavors. 


ANNA SORRENTO (Recurring) – 23, attractive, sports-minded, Italian, brunette, petite, hopeless romantic, emotionally unstable, sharp wit and finds humor in every situation. She is open to suggestion, easily trusts others and is often misled. Needs a stable family to feel complete. Her life is filled with tragedy.


INEZ MONTGOMERY - mid 70's or older, African-American, aunt to Douglas Summerfield.  She is a quiet, wise, strong woman who remembers the Civil Rights Era as if it happened yesterday.  She is an old school Southern Baptist, sings in the church choir.  Josephine views her as more of a housekeeper than as family.  She is a good role model to the Summerfield daughters.  She is proud of Douglas and loves him like he were her own son.  Never says a cross word about another person but you can tell what she's thinking by looking into her eyes.


FRANK HOLDER (Pastor/Preacher) - late 40's-early 50's, Baptist Pastor/Preacher in Proper, Caucasian, short/pudgy in stature.  He has an overly friendly almost bubbly personality,.  He is very opinionated and very influential among Proper's Christian and Baptist community.  He is always battling against the new bar opening, gay rights, and at the same time building a religious complex that is among the largest of any town of Proper's size.  In his private life he is abusive and controlling.  Publically, his is affable, supporting and friendly.  He is not happy with what he perceives as Proper going in the wrong direction.

SAMANTHA BRIGHTMAN - 17-19, brunette, petite to average shape, polite, kind.  Comes from a prominent family.  Popular, student council/beauty queen type.  Respected and admired by peers. 


TAMMY DALTON  - Caucasian, blonde, 18-19 years old, petite, large busted, quiet religious girl with untapped wild side, raised by a single mother, high school graduate but not very educated, aspires to become a nurse and one day have her own husband and family. 


BONNIE BLACK - 17-18, Caucasian, tall dirty blonde hair, fashion model looks, incredibly popular, cheerleader, homecoming queen, student council officer, will begin a modeling career after graduation. 


ERIN BODELL - 17-18, intellectual redhead with a temper who can quickly take anyone down who makes her uncomfortable.  Sensitive, a swan who hides her looks but wows a room when she wants to - super intelligent, freckles and an amazing smile.  Loyal to her friends and is old money/old school when it comes to knowing the politics of Proper.  

Please submit headshot and resume to with "Proper Manors Casting - Role" in subject line. 
Please let Craze Agency know if they are interested!