Hi everyone! Triad Media and Entertainment is pleased to announce our
new film: 8Stories, about 8 New Yorkers stuck in an elevator 8 stories
8Stories will be filmed in SLC, Utah. We will cast Utah
actors, feature local musicians in the soundtrack and promote the
artwork of local artists on our sets. Email resumes to:
Subject line 8Stories (then either Actors, Artist or Crew).
Please join our group to hear exciting announcements for this project;
including audition information, shooting schedule, premieres for this
movie, our GoGoIndie launch, construction of our elevator, film shorts,
giveaways, games and more. Also, due to the themes of this film, we will
be promoting diabetes awareness.
Once again, for those interested
in submitting your music, artwork, crew applications, acting resumes and
headshots, please email us here: triad.film.productions@gmail.com with
samples and links to your work, etc.
Auditions will be in
September, the exact date to be announced. And filming will start
beginning of October, exact shooting schedule TBA.
details: This is a back-end pay, credit and copy project only. We will
be submitting it to multiple film festivals and looking at possible
sales, distribution and/or streaming options for the future.
Thank you for your participation. This promises to be an exciting film project!