Please let Craze know if they are interested. They do many good kids films!

We are now accepting video auditions for the short drama 'Good At Heart' a story of friendship and courage between Anne Frank and Hannah Pick Goslar set in World War 11.

This film will be produced and directed by Ali Barr and Sally Meyer of Five One Films.

Shooting early spring.

All actresses must be on the slim side. Must have dark hair and brown eyes or willing to wear brown contacts.


Hanneli Pick Goslar   Age 12  Lead.

Dark Hair and Eyes.   Must be strong actress.  Must be able to cry on cue.  Speak in Dutch or German accent.

Anne Frank  Age 12  Lead.   

Need a lookalike.  Please see attached picture.  Must be able to cry on cue.  Speak in a Dutch Accent (or German)  

Gabi Goslar     Age 5-7   Dark hair and eyes.   Strong Actresses.

Margot Frank age 16.     Dark Hair and eyes.

Please contact Sally Meyer at with a headshot and resume and that you are represented by Craze. We Pay is $50 per day 3 day shoot!

If you are a good likeness for the characters, you will then be given a monologue to put on tape.

Thank you so much.

Sally Meyer

Ali Barr

Five One Films