Seeking Male and Female Actors ( 25-60) for short film (Downtown SLC)

We will be auditioning at the Main Library in downtown SLC on April 13th from 2-5pm. Because we only have the audition space reserved for a few hours I will need your talent to contact me with an audition request.
If interested email Chad at
3-part you would like to audition
4-that you are represented by Craze Agency
As of now our budget is very small and probably won't be able to pay our actors anything at all. If this changes I doubt that we will be able to pay more than the SAG minimum for a short film.. What info do you need to help me out. We have two main rolls. Carter, Male, 30-50 and Kathrerine, Female, 30-40. We have several other rolls for both males and females between the ages of 25-60 and all who audition will be considered for either the main rolls or the supporting rolls.
All males Do the first Carter sides below


Have you figured out four across yet? (peering over her shoulder as he pops a handful of painkillers into his mouth) Oh good. But look --no,

I told you-- eight down is hubris. And you’ve spelled fifteen down wrong. Achilles is spelled with two L’s. (teasing) It’s a good thing you use a pencil. (he sits across from her. Katherine raises her gaze in thought)

Oh come on, don’t give me that look. I’m only teasing. You know you can’t spell. (teasing again) Don’t worry, I like my women hopelessly flawed.


I’m not doing too good, Kat. I tried. I tried for a long time ... to learn to live without you. But how do I do this? How do I accept half a life? Why should I? You’re the one who showed me who I am and ... I’m terrified that he doesn’t exist without you.

And then these happened. I thought they were a miracle... I was stupid.

I thought I could have you back. But I can’t. Not like this.

I know-- There’s only one thing I can do now, Kat. I understand. I’ve been fighting it for too long, but it’s time... time I let go.

All Females including Kathrerine do the Ingrid sides below


Carter Matheson?


(standing) Yes.


(balancing her stacks of papers as she extends her hand to Carter)

I’m Ingrid James- it’s nice to meet you. Sorry if you’ve been waiting long,

I’m sure you’re busy-


(interrupting) It’s fine.

Carter sits back down as Ingrid takes her place behind the proletarian desk.


This is my favorite part, you know. Putting a face to the name. Fitting the last piece into place.

Carter smiles politely

INGRID (cont)

(taking a breath and gathering a professional demeanor) How much did they tell you?


Only that my Great Uncle Edgar died and that he left me something.

There are some papers to sign?


Is that all? Ah-




How well did you know Dr. Selby?


I didn’t. I only met him once or twice as a kid. Why? Is there a problem?


No, no. It’s just that- (taking a breath) Dr. Selby was alone when he died.




Like many unattended deaths it was some time before he was found.


How long?


It’s hard to say. The state of the body was... well... the coroner’s report couldn’t be specific, but there were indications that Dr. Selby’s passing may have been... (tactfully) less than peaceful. I’m sorry-


It’s fine. Really. Like I said, I didn’t know him.




(attempting to get back to business) So, there’s an inheritance or something?


Dr. Selby didn’t leave behind a will or any family, so by law his estate passes on to his next of kin... which is you.




It took us months to track you down.


The whole estate?


Yes. The home, it’s contents, and -here- these documents list all of the assets. It could be quite a windfall. What do you do, Mr. Matheson?

Carter is briefly lost in perusing all the DOCUMENTS.


I’m sorry?


I asked what you do... For a living.