The idea is for a spec ad for Altoids. It will be shown on group members (5) portfolio sites and shown to recruiters but won't run on TV. 

The idea is that a young teenage girl (12 or 13 yr old looking girl) is seen walking out of school with a boy towards a car. She gets in the car and says thanks for picking me up Aunt Tina. The Aunt starts to ask questions about the boy and proceeds to tell her niece about how when she was her age all the boys were into her and gives her a goofy birds and the bees talk. The niece feels completely awkward and weirded out. It ends with a slogan "Put a good taste in your mouth."
We understand that this may be a delicate topic for young girls to act with so we have a storyboard that we can use so that actress (the niece) isn't in the car at all during these lines and then we would bring her into the car just to shoot her reactions.

If we could get some head shots of the actresses in your agency that would be great. We don't mind what age they really are as long as they look about 12 or 13 (kind of like a teeny bopper tween looking girl).quick shoot (about 4 hours) and we would like to film as soon as this weekend to early next week. We will be filming outside of a school in Provo.

There will be a rate.

if you are interested email:
3-Put Altoids shoot