This is all the info. Craze has let us know if booked thanks!

Cast Members Wanted (Utah & Salt Lake County)

We are looking for cast members for a few short micro-budget productions to use in presenting scripts to prospective investors and production companies. We will be shooting mostly "guerilla style" in Utah and Salt lake counties. These are likely not going to be the final product but the opportunity for talented participants to appear in the actual production is our intent.
We are looking for people who can be convincing as:
1. Young attractive confident well-spoken female, good comedic/dramatic timing a plus to be convincing as a motivated rookie reporter
2. 20-40 something short female, & 20-40 something tall male who would be convincing as attorneys
3.2-4 rugged but intelligent looking/sounding 20-30 something men
4. 1-2 very tall thin/skinny men as "creature/performers", may be same as position # 2
when you respond by email include the following: Picture, age, phone, email, height, clothing sizes-(shirt, slacks, skirt, shoe) a short list of acting/modeling/performing skills & experience if any.
Most importantly we want to everyone to be enthusiastic and to have a fun, safe, good time.