"A Chance to Dance," a docu-series based on a British format, has been commissioned by Ovation, a cable/satellite channel devoted to arts programming. Nigel Lythgoe ("So You Think You Can Dance") is one of the producers.

The show, which is scheduled to debut on Aug. 17, will follow two former London Royal Ballet Dancers, Michael Nunn and William Trevitt — the creators of the BalletBoyz Dance Company in England — as they search America for undiscovered dance talent to form a new company. There won’t be just one winner, there will be a group who make it through the auditions.

The Utah auditions are Saturday, March 31, at Pointe Performing Arts Academy at 10981 N. 5600 West, Highland. Check-in is at 9 a.m.

For more audition information, go to achancetodance.tv.