PROPER MANORS, Season 1, Episode 1 - Welcome to Proper, Episode 2 -
You've Been Warned, Episode 3 - Fancy to Meet You, Episode 4 - Under
Pressure. (Additional Roles)
SAG New Media Contract

Creators/Executive Producers: Pietro D'Alessio, Jef Phillips
Directors: Jaison H. Costley, Matt Johnson, Ryan McDonald
Writers: Jason White (Head Writer), Nancey Ahlstromer, Nick
Burke,Emilyne Guglietti, Grant Morgan, Cassidy Ward, Henrik Patterson
Executive Producers: Marc Anthony, Theo Caesar,Jaison H. Costley, Mark
Loren Fletcher, C. Jacob Deaton, Jennifer Groendal Ph.D, Ashley Eliza
Parker,Benjamin Sant, Paul G. Smith, Tracy Townsend, Robin Westover
Producers: Jessica Diekmann,Teresa Gordon, Kimberly McDonald, Jef Phillips
Associate Producers: Orion Hansen, Mary Alice Nelson, Mande Opheikins
Casting Directors: Mary Alice Nelson, Danielle Schwager
Executive in Charge of Casting: Jessica Diekmann
Interview Dates: March 28, 2012
Callback Dates: TBD
Shoot/Start Date: April/ May
Pay Rate: 100/day deferred
Location: Salt Lake City/ Ogden, Utah

The story centers on a group of teenagers and their families. Many
supporting parts are still available as well as recurring roles.

Important Information:

“Proper Manors” is intended to be a 22-min. Weekly web soap opera.

Many of the lead characters will be “on contract” meaning that, if
cast, we must know what is going on with you. The project (in essence
a TV series for the web) will be shooting weekly – mostly on weekends
but there may be exceptions.

Every character has been developed to be a part of the tapestry in the
town of Proper, USA. Even the smallest roles can develop into front
burner story lines and lead characters can be written out any time.
The show is intended for a mature audience and would probably be
categorized as TV-M (Mature Audiences).

There is NO nudity nor will we be using the F-bomb, however there will
be other profanity occasionally and adult situations. The characters
on the soap, much like the real world, are diverse – all ethnicities,
religions, sexual orientations and political persuasions. We will not
modify characters based on actor's moral or religious input as the
characters themselves “live” in a different world and everything,
loosely based on reality, is fictional. Of course, the characters will
be evolving/developing and changing based on what they experience as a
character living in Proper. Any familiarity of any person living or
dead is purely coincidental.

To submit talent please send heashot/ resume as well as role
interested in to Mary Alice at Please use
PROPER MANORS CASTING - Role in Subject line. Thank you!


ROD BRIGHTMAN - 40's, clean cut, WASPY in appearance. He is married
to TBD Brightman, and has 1 TBD Daughter. Attorney, part of the
influential Brightman family that goes back generations in Proper. He
has the wealthy, "awe-shucks", former frat boy type of attitude. He
became a lawyer because it was expected of him but his staff usually
does most of the work while he sets up deals with the "good old boys"
in town to stay ahead of the game. While he isn't shady, he does bend
the rules/laws to help ensure the good old boys network is not

INEZ MONTGOMERY - mid 70's or older, African-American, aunt to Douglas
Summerfield. She is a quiet, wise, strong woman who remembers the
Civil Rights Era as if it happened yesterday. She is an old school
Southern Baptist, sings in the church choir. Josephine views her as
more of a housekeeper than as family. She is a good role model to the
Summerfield daughters. She is proud of Douglas and loves him like he
were her own son. Never says a cross word about another person but
you can tell what she's thinkiong by looking into her eyes.

MOMMA - Drag Queen Porn Producer, Chi-Chi Larue meets Divine, she is a
porn producer. She is a big, burly, manly-woman with a Kathleen Turner
voice but she views herself more as RuPaul. She is a tough, no
nonsense kind of person. She does not drink, smoke or do drugs. She is
a drag queen who can exploit someone’s weakness for her own gain
especially young, attractive “twink” boys, out of work porn stars, and
“bears”. She is the Bruce Wayne of gay porn and the gay pride
movement. She has zero tolerance for hypocrites, closeted Republicans,
and anyone that is predatory or hurtful for their own personal
pleasure. She operates her business with the mentality that if a
potential client is already broken she will hire them but she won’t be
the one to break them into the porn industry. She is the keeper of gay
law and she is a vigilante.

OLIVE TEVER - late 30's, Caucasian, dirty blonde-light brown hair,
petite, protective mom involved in her son's lives (Rick & Zack). She
attends all her son's youth activities and events and has become the
neighborhiood mom to all the boys. While she has a "boys will be
boys" attitude, she doesn't believe in over protecting or sheltering
her boys. She is a former single mom who remarried, she has a strong
foot hold in Proper and has established herself as a player in the
town. She is the first to give a child a hug if they are in need.

VEDETTA CAPRESE SORRENTO - Italian-American with dual citizenship, mid
50's, authentic Italian features, including ccent, 1st wife to
Alessandro, mother to Antonio, Medio, Giovanna, Anna & Giuseppe
(Joey), lives in Italy with her famiy, where she keeps tabs on her
family from afar & has been plotting her return. She is elegant,
wears fine jewelry. She is the quiet strong voice behind much of the
drama in the family. She is always ready for a battle, but holds her
cards close and often people are unaware she is the foe they are
battling. She is still fond of Alessandro but never quite ready to
extend forgiveness. She is worried about the state of her children
and decides it's time to even the score.

MATTHEW BRIGHTMAN- mid 40's, father to Samantha Brightman, Caucasian,
married to TBD Brightman. Politician in Proper and is part of the
"good old boy" network. He is given more leadership in the community
than he should have based on his lack of worliness. He is easily
influenced and is somewhat corrupt, based on his prior choices in his
20's, strives to create a perfect com,munity and home yet battles his
own demons that sabbotage him when he tries to break free or think
differently. He is attractive, polite and a great spokesperson, but
has become so mired down in his family name and what it means in the
history of Proper that he's unable to embrace change out of fear that
he will lose his role in the community.

MILES BARNES - late 40's, Caucasian, balding, somewhat pasty in
complexion, tall, big but not fat. He married into money, using his
wife's money to further his own professional endeavors. He is part of
the "good old boy" network in Proper. He likes to laugh. He is the
step-father to Russ Wilson becoming a major player in the real estate
of Proper. He tends to get over involved in other people's business
deals which sometimes leads to problems in his marriage and with

BRIAN BIGGS - 25-40 years old, aveage height/shape, any ethnicity,
leans towards being liberal, intellectual (wears glasses?), clean cut,
preppy metro sexual, sarcastic. College educated degree in political
science, works as an aide to the Mayor of Proper. Single, no kids,
depending on his age he is either struggling to pay back student loans
or solid middle class.

MAURY FINKLEMAN - mid to late 60's, Jewish, Caucasian, wear leisure
suits & oversized glasses, has unkempt, busy hair. Long time Proper
resident with children and grandchildren in the community. He is
somewhat condescending with a matter of fact, sarcastic sense of
humor. Attorney to Blanche Crawford.


RHETT BODELL – Male, mid 40's, Caucasian, country boy with college
degree, heavily involved in agriculture, married to April Bodell, 2
daughters (Erin & Amelia) matter of fact attitude, mysterious but not
creepy, bored in marriage but loyal to his wife because she is a great
mom. He is having a mid-life crisis.

HECTOR SOTO – Male, Mexican, gardener/handyman to the Sorrento family,
27-32 years old, brother to Roger Soto. He was sponsored into the
country by Alessandro. He is hard-working, honest and has an
incredible sense of humor. He is loyal to the Sorrento's. He also
works at the Sorrento family restaurant, Soul & Bones. He is currently
single and misses his family back in Mexico. He is excited about the
opportunity he now has in the United States. He is respectful of women
at all times. He likes to relax by listening to Mexican music and
drinking beer.

ROGER SOTO – Male, Mexican, gardener/handyman to the Sorrento family,
23-27 years old, brother to Hector Soto. He was sponsored into the
country by Alessandro. He still has a thick Mexican accent. He works
at the Sorrento family restaurant, Soul & Bones. He is over-the-top,
passionate about flirting with women and is convinced any woman would
want him but not in an arrogant manner. He is confident and fun. He is
a bit of a binge drinker, dabbles in marijuana and loves to have a
good time and laugh. He can always be counted on to get work done. He
has a soft spot for slightly overweight, white trash, trailer park

SEBASTIAN STEWART - Male, 16-18 - The all American surfer/skater that
EVERYONE loves - doesn't have an enemy or a detractor. Gorgeous blonde
flowing slightly curly hair and blue eyes. sometime stoner, always a
lover, honest, loves and accepts everyone. Good looking, tan (ONLY NEW

SIMON EVERS - Male, 17-18, Caucasian, Dirty Blonde/Light brown -
slight soccer/metal look - average guy (ONLY NEW SUBMISSIONS)

Auditions will be held Wednesday 28 March in SLC/ Ogden Utah area. To
submit talent and schedule an audition slot, please send an email to with headshot, resume and role interested
in. Please put Proper Manors in the subject line.

Talent should arrive at assigned time slot prepared with a monologue
suiting the character, and 2 copies of headshot and resume. Thank you!

Mary Alice Nelson
Proper Manors Casting


*NOTE Please do not submit talent that is uncomfortable with above
description or has a problem with shooting on Sundays as the majority,
if not all filming will be done on the weekends.

To submit talent please send heashot/ resume as well as role
interested in to Mary Alice at Please use
PROPER MANORS CASTING - Role in Subject line. Thank you!