UTA Website
Two (2) years from first air date with option for additional two year term at same rate.
Will run on all Utah network affiliate stations and cable. UTA will likely post the spot to their YouTube Channel.
Payment:Principals $750 -2 year buyout
Talent needs to be available august 18, 19, 20 & 21(They will shoot a max of 2 days)
These are all none Speaking Principal Roles
Male, early thirties, clean cut, somewhat hip, Caucasian or mixed race. He should be an
excellent swimmer/diver with toned muscles and probably no tattoos. Also has a nice
stride.(Male Model Types)

Female, early thirties, Caucasian or subtle ethnicity. She's attractive,. Physically fit. Knows
Yoga. Professional looking. Could be an young attorney or middlemanagementat a bank.
Has a nice walking stride (might help if she were slightly taller)
UTA Planner

Male, middle aged, Caucasian or Hispanic or mixed Ethnicity,intelligent/attractive/inshape

Audition will be Sat August 11th
If you fit and are available
email us at crazesubmissionsonly@gmail.com
2-Part each is in bold
3-put Uta in email header
We will submit you and let you know!