Utah- “Remnants” is a science fiction film copy and credit kids and adults
Please confirm your desire to audition by responding to this email, selecting a Character from the Character Bio and scheduling a time to read for that character.
Note: If you are under the age of 18 a parent or guardian must accompany you at all times.
EME Productions, LLC
Notice of Auditions:
Production title: "Remnants"
Union / Non-Union: Non-Union
Production Type: Independent / Science - Fiction / Post Apocalyptic
Project length: Short Film (8-9 minutes)
Project format: Multiple; Digital
Production location: Multiple; Ogden, to Eden- Utah
Production Company: EME Productions, LLC
Director: Marissa Macias
Producer: EME Productions, LLC
Screenwriter: Keith Shepro
Casting Director: Sonny Luca
Audition Location: Audition Location:
4141 South Highland Drive,
Suite # 200,
Salt Lake City (Holladay), Utah 84120
Need Directions:
Shooting Location: Multiple; Ogden, to Eden- Utah
Shooting Dates: August 02-03, 2014 & Possibly: August 07-08, 2014
Email: sonny.luca.creations@gmail.com
Compensation: Unpaid. Eternal Gratitude, Fun, Adventure, Experience, Copy and Credit.
Auditions: July 26 2014 1:00 – 6:00 PM
(Please note all auditions will be given a specific time within this window)
Call Backs: July 26 2014 1:00 – 6:00 PM
Shooting Starts: Aug 02, 2014
Shooting Ends: Aug 08, 2014
Synopsis: “Remnants” is a science fiction film about the last of mankind trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. Forced to adjust to this new world; some have already adapted, while others struggle."
Character BIOS
“STRANGER” – Male: 25-50
Lead Character. Protagonist. Loner and Drifter. Wife was killed years
back, has been in auto-pilot ever since. Crack shot with a gun, likes
to keep things simple, deep voice. Feels responsible for others
“GIRL” – Female…: 20s-30s
Lead Character. Our
MacGuffin. She is filling in a gap for the Strangers life. She looks
like a normal woman, but when under pressure she rises up. She is also a
bit mysterious.
“BOSS” – Male: 40s-60s
Lead Character.
Antagonist. Sophisticated and enjoys the finer things. He looks like
the jerk boss you would have that dresses in the best suit every day.
It has to be his way, or else. Trying to capture the Girl.
JOSH – Male: 20-50s
Supporting Character. Leader of a group of survivors. A much larger person. Protective, a nice guy.
RION – Female: 20-40s
Supporting Character. 2nd in command of the group of survivors. Tries to be open minded to others.
“KID” – Male or Female: 7-14
Supporting Character. Little Thief.
DOC – Male or Female: 20-60
Supporting Character. Doctor that has an attitude, “Dr. McCoy”
OLD MAN – Male: 40s-70s
Supporting Character. Sickly old man trying to overcome a disease, but tries to stay charismatic.
BANDITS (7) – Males and Females: 18-30s
Supporting Roles. 7 Bandits that all have lines. Elaborate personalities. Your Bandits, what more can I say?