Casting Call for webseries



WHEN: ​January 27 @ 10:00-4:00
​February 3 @

WHERE:​Indie Film Factory
​3111 S. Valley View Blvd Bldg E-127

PREPARE: ​1 minute monologue & cold reading


PRODUCTION DATES:​Projected time Mid February


JAKE- Early Twenties, Caucasian, sales clerk at a local Vegas movie rental shop.
Believes that he is entitled to anything he wants, and finds working a minimum wage job beneath him. Typical rebellious young adult, trying to prove his worth.

NICK- Early Twenties, Caucasian, Jake's best friend. Nick is usually the voice of reason whenever Jake thinks about doing something stupid.

URIEL- Mid Twenties, African American, Angel, Dave's closest friend. In his own mind, he considers himself to be like an older brother to Dave, and goes out of his way to keep Dave out of trouble.

CAITLIN- Early Twenties, Caucasian, Demon, constantly tempting Jake. Tethered to Dave.

ANGELA- Late Teens, coworker of Jakes at the rental shop. She still
lives at home with her parents, and goes to college full time. Jake
secretly has a crush on her, but is too afraid to ever bring it up.

EMILY- Early Twenties, Angela's angel. She is always looking for the silver lining in situations. She is just a short ball of energy, and compassion. Emily and Dave met while Dave was watching over Jake. Emily is Dave's first real friend in Vegas.

DAVE- Late Twenties, Angel, has a heart of gold, but his happy go lucky attitude tends to make him out to be the black sheep of the angelic community. He is usually caught off guard and unprepared for any crisis. Dave's job is to look after Jake, but slowly finds himself falling into Jake's way of life.

  • Compensation: No compensation at first.
  •   with questions thanks

Please let Craze know if cast thanks!